Terms of service
These Terms and Conditions regulate use of the online store, for which ARQUIFLASH LLC (hereinafter, Arquiflash) is legally responsible. These Terms and Conditions will be accepted by the parties without reservation and they may be modified at any time without notice such that the User will be responsible for reading them each time a purchase is made, as the conditions applied will be those in force at the time the contract is entered into.
Applicable regulations
This electronic contract is regulated by Spanish law and, in particular, by the legal regime imposed by Law 34/2002, of 11th July, on Information Society Services and E-Commerce (LSSICE) and by General Law 03/2014, of 27th March, on the Defence of Consumers and Users (LGDCU).
The electronic contract will not be filed by a third party. It is drawn up in English. These Sales Terms and Conditions may be stored and reproduced at any time by the User who makes a purchase using their internet browser’s options. They must be accepted before proceeding to order payment.
User account and error correction
In order to make purchases online in this store, you should register by creating a user account. You can register at any time by clicking on the corresponding link, or during the purchase process. Once registered, you will receive an email confirming that the process has been completed successfully and offering you a reminder of your access details.
From your account, you may make purchases, check your order history, change your password, amend your personal details, modify billing address, make comments, and perform other procedures or management tasks related to your purchases.
Furthermore, you may access your private account at any time to check your personal information and addresses and, if necessary, correct the errors that may have appeared when entering said data or updating them. Billing address may also be corrected or updated during the purchase process.
As User, you may deregister at any time by sending an email from the email address that you wish to deregister to the email address info@arquiflash.com, which will result in your personal data being cancelled.
Checkout process
Making a purchase on Arquiflash is really easy. Just follow these simple steps:
- Arquiflash will give you access to a page, which includes a detailed description, main characteristics and price of the service. If you need any further information, feel free to contact us.
- Once you have selected the service you wish to purchase and have filled out the form with your details, you must press the “Add to cart” button to proceed directly with payment.
- Once the service selection is concluded, a summary will appear identifying the selected item (s). Finally, to continue with your order, you must press the button "Check out".
- As indicated in previous sections, at the end of your purchase, you must register, indicating your contact information and address. In your next purchases you will not have to enter your data again, as they will be stored in your User Account.
- Finally, you must choose the payment method for your purchase from those offered by Arquiflash (see next section).
- Once the purchase process is complete, we will send you an email detailing your purchase’s information, as well as proof of payment or the invoice. If you do not receive this email within 24 hours, or if you notice an error with the data entered, please contact us using any of the following means:
Telephone: (323) 982-7834
Email: info@arquiflash.com
The contact form on this website
You can also request a paper invoice by contacting us within 30 days of purchase. We will send this to your address at no additional cost.
Payment methods
Arquiflash offers simple payment methods:
- Credit or debit card
- PayPal
- Shopify payments
The conditions for each of these payment methods are specified below.
à Credit or debit card
Payment via credit or debit card is made using the secure payment gateway of the bank. Via this payment method, Arquiflash never collects or handles any customer data related to their card number. All data are processed directly by of the bank, such that Arquiflash may always offer optimal security, transparency and confidentiality in the transaction.
à PayPal
You can also make payments using your PayPal account. With this payment method, Arquiflash never collects or manages any bank data. All data are processed directly by PayPal such that Arquiflash may always offer optimal transparency, security and confidentiality in the transaction.
à Shopify payments
Payment via credit or debit card is made using the secure payment gateway of shopify payments. Via this payment method, Arquiflash never collects or handles any customer data related to their card number. All data are processed directly by Shopify payments, such that Arquiflash may always offer optimal security, transparency and confidentiality in the transaction.
Prices, taxes, tariffs and duties
Prices are expressed in euros. Arquiflash is not obliged to execute services (even if delivery confirmation has been sent) if the error in price is obvious and unequivocal and if it could reasonably have been recognised by the customer as incorrect.
The prices of Arquiflash services may vary but (unless established previously) possible changes will not affect orders for which confirmation has already been sent.
The following taxes will apply on the services offered on our website.
- The price of the services provided to customers who have a billing address in mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands includes VAT.
- The price of the services provided to customers who have a billing address in other EU countries, and if the buyer is an individual, includes the country of origin’s VAT.
- The price of the services provided to customers who have a billing address in other EU countries, and if the buyer is a business or professional, does NOT include VAT provided that they are registered in the Intra-Community Operators Register (in which case they must provide us with a valid tax identification code). If they are not registered as an Intra-Community Operator, the service price will include the VAT corresponding to the country of origin.
- The price of the services provided to customers who have a billing address in the Canary Islands, Ceuta or Melilla and, in general, any country outside the EU, does NOT include VAT, given that the transaction is treated as an export. The price indicated for each service it’s the final price to these destinations.
Due to the nature of the services, this will be considered executed when contracting the service, and therefore the right of withdrawal established in Law 3/2014, of March 27, on the Defence of Consumers and Users, is not applicable.
Dispute resolution
As required by new European regulations, the User is hereby informed of the existence of a European platform for online dispute resolution. Thus, in order to resolve consumer disputes (pursuant to Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013), you can access European Commission’s online dispute resolution platform via the following link: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/?event=main.home.show&lng=ES